Monday, December 30, 2002

Latrobe versus Kansas

The year at ActiveSky has progressed well (very busy) and at the moment I am on holiday. It's pretty warm here at the moment. I went to the beach yesterday and I even got my pasty white ass into the water. I didn't dip my head however but that's because I was wearing my sun glasses (not because I was a wimp). I splashed water on my hair to make it look like I had dipped my head however.

Athena and I have just returned from Tasmania after my family Christmas get-together (Athena and I take it in turns with family Christmas's). It was very pleasant. I was surprised by the change in the little country town that I grew up in (Latrobe). When I was a boy (said in a croaky voice), in was a bit of a hoon town (sort of a hill-billy crossbetween Belgrade, Ramallah and Mogadishu - I never exaggerate - *ever*).

Now however there are cafes and restaurants popping up and it is becoming quite a trendy town. I had a delicious meal at a restaurant called "Antonio's something" (that's not the real name - that would be dumb).

A few months ago a work collegue and I were in Kansas City for about 3 weeks. I had to go there for work (what's the deal with US phones and network protocols - they're not the best). It was an interesting experience. Everyone drove big cars, had big bellys and there was very little cultural diversity. I couldn't find anywhere where I could eat Thai or Indian food.

Interestingly, when I was in Tasmania, everyone drove big cars, had big bellys and there was very little cultural diversity. I couldn't find anywhere where I could eat Thai or Indian food. Is it any wonder I almost drove on the right hand side of the road several times? Probably.

Christmas 03 Photo Album

The family - some members cloned brushed inAt home in Latrobe - playing PlayStation


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